Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.
-Albert Einstein-
Gw lupa kapan gw kepikiran tentang hal ini. Kayanya sekitar beberapa minggu yang lalu, tapi gw baru sempet buat posting sekarang.
Kenalan - Pendekatan - in a relationship - engaged - married
Standarnya hubungan suatu pasangan kan kaya gini ya. Kita kenalan, terus mulai pendekatan, abis itu "peresmian" status, tunangan, akhirnya nikah. Yah walaupun kadang, well, actually most of the times di fase in a relationship itu ada sekuel-sekuelnya, tapi secara garis besar urutannya tetep gini kan ya.
Nah, sekarang, masalah yang mau gw angkat itu, pengertian dari fase fase itu.
1. Kenalan
Gw rasa cuman ada 1 definisi dari kenalan. Dari gak tau sama sekali, jadi, at least, sedikit tau. But it has to go both ways. A kenal B, B kenal A. Itu namanya saling kenal, which is the purpose of kenalan. Klo A kenal B, tapi B gak kenal A. Nah itu berarti si A sok kenal namanya, hehe..
Anyway, jadi A kenal B dan B kenal A. Fase 1 lewat.
2. Pendekatan
Nah ini cukup bervariasi gw rasa. Tapi tujuannya tetep sama. Maju ke fase 3. Yang cukup berbeda mungkin konsepnya. Dua konsep yang gw tau, either ngartiin pendekatan sebagai cara biar si pasangan tertarik sama kita, or ngebuktiin ke diri sendiri apa bener he/she's the one abis itu baru nerusin ke konsep yang pertama. Ini bukan yes/no question ya, tapi gw pribadi lebih setuju sama konsep yang kedua. Karena buat apa ngeyakinin orang buat tertarik sama kita klo kita sendiri belom yakin kita tertarik sama orang itu.
So, buat maju ke fase 3 (ini dari sudut pandang cowok ya, well, at least menurut gw):
required: B tertarik sama A
optional: A bener-bener tertarik sama B
3. In A Relationship
Nah, this is where I got confused. Selama ini, gw selalu berpikir klo pendekatan itu hampir segalanya. Di pendekatan kita jadi tau apa bener kita suka dia, apa bener dia suka kita, apa aja hal hal yang kita suka dari dia, apa aja hal hal yang kita gak suka dari dia, apa aja hal hal yang dia suka dari kita, apa aja hal hal yang dia gak suka dari kita, etc etc. Begitu ngerasa sreg semuanya kurang lebih plus mines atas bawah bagus jelek, baru lanjut ke in a relationship. Cukup lama gw berpegang sama kepercayaan itu.
Then it got me thinking. Apa iya kita bakal nunjukkin kekurangan kita, or dia nunjukkin kekurangan dia pas lagi masa pendekatan? Namanya pendekatan pasti yang di umbar yang bagus bagus doang. Sama aja kaya iklan iklan di tv. Gak bakal lah jeleknya di ungkit-ungkit. Walaupun mungkin ada 1-2 kekurangan yang keliatan di masa pendekatan, tapi gak bakal segamblang pas udah in a relationship. Mungkin karena itu banyak pasangan yang keliatan rukun pas pdkt, tapi ribut ribut pas udah jadi. Dan menurut gw it actually makes sense. Emang harus gitu koq prosesnya. Nah, seberapa hebat adaptasi kita yang menurut gw ngebuat hubungan itu berjalan lama.
At some point, maybe after learn about each other and know each other and most importantly can tolerate each other, baru lah in a relationship itu bisa lancar. Dan andai, emang udah bener-bener gak bisa tolerate each other, dengan sangat terpaksa A harus kembali ke fase 2 or maybe fase 1 ke orang lain or maybe ke orang yang sama at some other time?
Di sini yang lumayan signifikan. Gw selalu nganggep putus itu tabu. Sampe gw kepikiran tentang hal yang di atas itu. Gw mulai ngerasa klo putus itu juga bagian dari in a relationship. Normal orang putus itu. Sakit emang. Tapi toh kita gak bisa maksa dia untuk jadi persis apa kaya yang kita mau, or the other way around. Egois itu namanya. And I'm pretty sure it wont work in the long run. Jadi mending di selesaikan dari sekarang aja kan? The sooner the better.
Ini bukan berarti kita mesti langsung ngeskip fase 2 loh. The point is, kita gak bisa expect this will work as smooth as pendekatan.
4. Engaged
Nah ini gw gak begitu tau. Pemikiran yang ada di gw tentang engaged itu cuman pre-marriage. Ini bagian dari marriage. Jadi klo udah engaged, ya harus lanjut ke marriage. Gak bisa nggak. Itu pemikiran gw sekarang. Gak tau klo ntar berubah, hehe..
5. Married
Nah lebih lebih ini. Yang 3 aja gw belom khatam, apalagi 5 ini, hehe..
Waktu itu gw nonton film fireproof. Tentang pasangan suami-istri yang berantem terus kerjanya. Terus temen si cowo ini bilang tentang analogi cewe sama sekolah. Intinya, mempelajari pasangan kita itu bukan cuman pas pendekatan atau in a relationship aja. Even pas udah nikah, kita masih tetep mempelajari pasangan kita. Yah mungkin ibaratnya begitu nikah kita baru lulus S1 lah. Mending buruan ambil S2 sebelum ilmu yang sebelumnya udah lupa.
Dan conversation yang paling gw suka dari film itu,
Michael Simmons: Divorce is a hard thing, man.
Caleb Holt: Well, if it brings peace...
Michael Simmons: But Caleb, you want the right kind of peace.
Caleb Holt: What do you mean by that?
Michael Simmons: You know what that ring on your finger means?
Caleb Holt: It means I'm married.
Michael Simmons: Yeah, well, it also means you made a lifelong covenant. You putting on that ring, by saying your vows. The sad part about it is when most people promise for better or for worse, they really only mean for the better.
Caleb Holt: Catherine and I were in love when we got married. Today, we're two very different people. All right? It's just not working out anymore.
Michael Simmons: Caleb, salt and pepper are completely different. Their makeup is different; their taste and their color. But you always see 'em together. And when you... Hang on a second.
[Michael glues a salt and pepper shaker together]
Caleb Holt: What are you doing? Michael, what did you do that for?
Michael Simmons: Caleb, when two people get married; it's for better or for worse, for richer or for poor, in sickness and in health.
Caleb Holt: I know that. But marriages aren't fireproof. Sometimes you get burned.
Michael Simmons: Fireproof doesn't mean a fire will never come, but that when it comes you'll be able to withstand it.
Caleb Holt: You didn't have to glue them together.
[Caleb picks up the shakers and starts trying to force them apart]
Michael Simmons: Don't do it, Caleb. If you pull them apart now, you'll break either one or both of them.
Caleb Holt: Well, if it brings peace...
Michael Simmons: But Caleb, you want the right kind of peace.
Caleb Holt: What do you mean by that?
Michael Simmons: You know what that ring on your finger means?
Caleb Holt: It means I'm married.
Michael Simmons: Yeah, well, it also means you made a lifelong covenant. You putting on that ring, by saying your vows. The sad part about it is when most people promise for better or for worse, they really only mean for the better.
Caleb Holt: Catherine and I were in love when we got married. Today, we're two very different people. All right? It's just not working out anymore.
Michael Simmons: Caleb, salt and pepper are completely different. Their makeup is different; their taste and their color. But you always see 'em together. And when you... Hang on a second.
[Michael glues a salt and pepper shaker together]
Caleb Holt: What are you doing? Michael, what did you do that for?
Michael Simmons: Caleb, when two people get married; it's for better or for worse, for richer or for poor, in sickness and in health.
Caleb Holt: I know that. But marriages aren't fireproof. Sometimes you get burned.
Michael Simmons: Fireproof doesn't mean a fire will never come, but that when it comes you'll be able to withstand it.
Caleb Holt: You didn't have to glue them together.
[Caleb picks up the shakers and starts trying to force them apart]
Michael Simmons: Don't do it, Caleb. If you pull them apart now, you'll break either one or both of them.
Sekarang gw mau tanya juga. Lebih buat ke fase 2 dan 3. Apa bener kebanyakan orang mikir kaya gitu? Pemikiran klo in a relationship itu adalah the real pendekatan? Dan putus itu wajar? Dan gw terlalu polos untuk sadar tentang itu baru baru ini? Atau pemikiran gw dulu yang bener? Dan gw cukup aneh untuk merubah pemikiran gw yang dulu?
Either way, mungkin kita semua gak ada yang tau jawabannya....
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